At Pax Law, we understand how complex the legal process for refugee claims can be. Our experienced team of lawyers are dedicated to providing personalized service and professional representation in all matters relating to refugee claims and protections.

Introduction: Refugee Immigration Services

We provide legal advice on all aspects of the claim including eligibility assessment, filing documents, interviews with officials and appeals processes. Our knowledgeable and experienced lawyers have a thorough understanding of international, federal and provincial regulations related to refugee claims. We are also able to advise clients on issues such as family reunification and humanitarian status.

If you are interested in applying for refugee status, contact Pax Law today or book a consultation.

Who is considered a refugee in Canada?

According to the Canadian Refugee Protection Program, a person who is forced to flee his or her home country and cannot return because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group is considered a refugee. Canada’s Refugee Protection Division determines whether an individual meets the definition of a refugee.

Can I claim refugee status?

If you are the target of persecution in your home country and have a well-founded fear of returning to it, then you may be eligible to claim refugee status in Canada. To determine eligibility you must meet the definition of a Convention Refugee as outlined by the UNHCR, or demonstrate that you are in need of protection due to risk posed by circumstances such as armed conflict or a massive violation of human rights.

Refugee eligibility

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is an independent tribunal that makes the final decisions on refugee matters, they will assess your eligibility based on the following.

Convention refugee eligibility:

Convention refugees are outside of their home country, and are unable to returned based on well-founded fear of persecution by:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Political opinion
  • Nationality
  • Being part of a targeted social group (women, sexual orientation, other)

Person in need of protection eligibility:

A person in need of protection is a person within Canada who cannot return to their home country safely. This may be due to:

  • Danger of torture
  • Risk to their life
  • Risk of cruel and unusual treatment/punishment

Learn more about making an asylum claim in Canada on the IRB website.

Your refugee claim may not be eligible if you:

  • have been recognized as a Convention refugee by another safe Country
  • arrived through the Canada-United States border
  • have made a claim in another country
  • are not admissible to Canada due to criminal activity or human rights violations
  • made a previous claim that was rejected or not found eligible
  • abandoned or withdrew a previous claim

Applying for a refugee status

Applying for refugee status can be complicated. The application process involves filling out the necessary forms, providing supporting documents and attending an interview with the decision-maker. 

Your refugee application must be submitted perfectly the first time. The stakes are high and if your application is rejected, the cost for appealing the decision can be very high and if not done, you will be forced to be removed from the country. Making a refugee application is very different from making an application for Temporary Resident Visa (the “TRV”) visas such as tourist visa, study-permit, or work-permit because if your TRV application is rejected, you can reapply with relatively no serious consequence.

It is important to understand your rights and obligations during this process in order to maximize your chances of success. Our experienced refugee lawyers can guide you through the application process and help ensure a successful outcome.

Humanitarian and compassionate applications

If you cannot meet the definition of a refugee and are not eligible for refugee protection, you may still be able to make a humanitarian and compassionate application. A successful application can grant an individual permanent residency in Canada due to circumstances beyond their control or family ties in Canada

Refugee appeals

If your refugee claim is rejected, you can appeal the decision. Our experienced team of lawyers are skilled in navigating the appeals process and will work to ensure a successful outcome for your case.

Contact Pax Law today to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about applying for refugee status.

Assuring your highest chances of a successful refugee claim

Some of the ways to increase your chances of a successful refugee claim include:

  • Consulting with an experienced lawyer early in the process to ensure you are prepared for all stages of the application.
  • Assessing your eligibility as soon as possible so that you can take steps to address any issues before filing your claim
  • Preparing a detailed written statement explaining why and how you meet the criteria for refugee status
  • Gathering and submitting all required supporting documents
  • Working with a lawyer to ensure that your application is completely filled out, accurate and ready for submission.

At Pax Law, we understand the importance of this process and will work to ensure that you are prepared for all stages of your application.

Are you looking for a refugee lawyer in Canada? We’re here for you!

Pax Law is committed to providing the best legal advice and representation for refugee claimants in Canada. Our team of experienced immigration lawyers provide high-quality service and strive to obtain successful outcomes for our clients. We will work with you every step of the way so that you can achieve your goal of safely migrating to Canada.

If you are interested in applying for refugee status, contact Pax Law today or book a consultation.

Refugee Claims Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a refugee claim take?

On average and from what we have seen, it can take from three (3) to nine (9) months for a refugee application to be processed, that is, a determination is made on your application.

Why hire a refugee lawyer?

Your refugee application must be submitted perfectly the first time. The stakes are high and if your application is rejected, the cost for appealing the decision can be very high and if not done, you will be forced to leave the country. Making a refugee application is very different from making an application for Temporary Resident Visa (the “TRV”) visas such as tourist visa, study-permit, or work-permit because if your TRV application is rejected, you can reapply with relatively no serious consequence.

How much does a refugee lawyer cost in Canada?

We at Pax Law, charge $6000 for the main applicant and an additional $2000 for co-applicants.

Do asylum seekers get lawyers?


What does an asylum lawyer do?

A lawyer specialized in refugee and asylum law knows the best approaches to submitting and following up on applications. In addition, if the file requires further attention or appeals, the lawyer can help with those processes as well.

How long do refugee claims take in Canada?

On average it takes about nine (9) months until the claim is accepted.

What are the chances of winning a refugee case?

Up until December 2022, we at Pax Law have had a 100% success rate and the majority of our cases have been accepted as less complex cases which did not require an interview with the applicant. However, past success does not guarantee future success.

What do asylum seekers need to prove?

Their identity and their credibility.

What makes a strong asylum case?

To make a strong asylum case, the applicant must show that he or she has a legitimate fear of persecution based on one or more of the following grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or having a certain political opinion.

اقدام برای پناهندگی کانادا چقدر زمان می برد؟

در تجربه ما معمولا سه تا نه ماه طول می‌کشد تا جواب نهایی اقدام برای پناهندگی کانادا را دریافت کنید

آیا بعد دریافت نتیجه مثبت اقدام برای پناهندگی کانادا، اقامت دائم کانادا را می گیریم؟

خیر. آن یک پروسه جدا می باشد و حدود هجده ماه به طول می انجامد

آیا ممکن است که پناهندگی کانادا قبول شویم ولی اقامت دایم نگیریم؟

بله، چنانچه جرمی کیفری انجام داده و محاکمه شوید، شما حق دریافت اقامت دائم را از دست می دهید

تراول داکیومنت چیست؟

پس از دریافت نتیجه مثبت اقدام پناهندگی کانادا شما می توانید برای تراول داکیومنت و یا جواز سفر اقدام نمایید که برای شما امکان مسافرت به خارج کشور کانادا را می دهد

چه مدت پس از اقدام برای پناهندگی کانادا می توانیم به ایران سفر کنیم؟

علت شما برای اقدام برای پناهندگی این بوده که در ایران به خاطر شرایط خود مثلا تفکرات سیاسی یا مذهبی یا تعلق به گروهی خاص دچار آزار و اذیت و یا شکنجه و اعدام قرار می گیرید بنابر این تا قبل از تغییر حکومت در ایران نباید به ایران سفر کنید. در ضمن در طی انجام پروسه پناهندگی باید پاسپورت ایرانی خود را تحویل دهید، پس چگونه می خواهید وارد ایران شوید

آیا اقدام برای پناهندگی کانادا سریعترین راه و آسان ترین راه دریافت اقامت دایم کانادا می باشد؟

بله ولیکن پناهندگی یک راه مهاجرت به کانادا نیست و می بایست موجب واقعی برای این اقدام داشته باشید

معمولا ایرانی ها از چه طریقی برای پناهندگی کانادا اقدام می کننید؟

تغییر مذهب، مثلا از اسلام روی برگردانده و مسیحی می شوند؛ یا، علیه حکومت ایران اقدامی کرده اند، مثلا در تظاهرات زن، زندگی، آزادی شرکت کرده اند؛ یا، به حجاب اجباری اعتقادی ندارند؛ یا، شرایط اجتماعی خاص دارند، مثلا همجنسگرا هستند

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This contract aims to summarize and confirm the terms and the scope of legal services we provide to you. This Agreement is a legal document and forms an enforceable contract between you and Pax Law Corporation. We recommend that you consider whether you want to have this agreement reviewed by another lawyer.

هدف این قرارداد خلاصه و تأیید شرایط و دامنه خدمات حقوقی است که ما به شما ارائه می دهیم. این توافقنامه یک قرارداد قانونی است که قابل اجرا بین شما و شرکت حقوقی پکس می باشد. شما می توانید قبل از امضای این قرارداد با یک وکیل دادگستری کانادا راجع به مفاد این قرارداد مشورت کنید

इस अनुबंध का उद्देश्य हमारे द्वारा आपको प्रदान की जाने वाली कानूनी सेवाओं की शर्तों और दायरे का सारांश और पुष्टि करना है। यह अनुबंध एक कानूनी दस्तावेज़ है और आपके और पैक्स लॉ कॉर्पोरेशन के बीच एक प्रवर्तनीय अनुबंध बनाता है। हम अनुशंसा करते हैं कि आप इस पर विचार करें कि क्या आप इस समझौते की समीक्षा किसी अन्य वकील से कराना चाहते हैं।

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